Uptown Floors
USA Made USA Made  About Uptown 
Trains Phone: 239-221-7433 Unfinished engineered hardwood
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Made in the USA

American hardwood flooring
Smooth finished Hickory & Maple hardwood
Hand Scraped Hickory Hardwoods

Light wire brushed white oaks
Smooth or wire brushed prefinished Red Oak
Black walnut clear stained
Cerused white oak floors
Ash hardwood floors
Wire brushed Hickory hardwoods
Black Wire brushed hardwood floors
unfinished engineered plank

100 Grit Screening With Floor Buffer

The floor buffer is used with several applications during the finishing process. This short video segment deals with the final sanding process after the edger and bigger machine has been used.

USA Made hardwood floors

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Video Transcript

The buffer in this segment handles the final sanding after the bigVideo transcript machine and edging has been completed. It’s purpose is to blend all scratch patterns made by the previous machines, making the floor ready for any stain or finish application.

The term used in this step is called screening, because it utilizes a 100 grit wire mesh screen. It does not create any noticeable sanding patterns in the way the edger and big machine sanding paper does.

Once the dust skirt goes on and the vacuum hooked up it’s ready to go. About blending scratch patterns. Here we have two faint patterns. Nearest to the wall is the edger pattern and a foot away the big machine pattern. Once the buffer is slowly worked over all areas of the job, the sanding becomes consistent and ready for any staining or finish application.
